Need Music? What’s Your Budget?

Of course, The New Orleans Music Company suggest that every event, big or small, have live entertainment. Especially in New Orleans where music and culture are the forefront of what makes our city so special.

However, the process also does not and should not resemble the car buying process, yet in some ways, it should. Here are a few pointers on how to make ascertaining your entertainment services as smooth and easy as possible.

1. KNOW YOUR BUDGET. Don’t go to a Porsche dealership if you know a Honda Accord is more your affordability. It waste everyone’s time and complicates the process. Just be upfront, “My budget range is X, Y, Z. What entertainment services are available in that budget space?” You might want our top-tier party band, but our hip jazz quartet might be a better fit. You know your budget, so just be up front… “I have $5,000 or I have $500, what can we do?” And please know, we are not GigSalad, where the lowest bidder wins. We provide high-quality and professional services; you get what you pay for. Know your budget and let us know it. We gotcha covered!

2. BE UP FRONT. Our business is providing entertainment services. We want your business. Simply be up front, explain the event, explain your demographic, explain the event space, and let us know your budget. We understand some clients have $25,000, some have $2,500, some have $75,000 and some have $1,000. We can provide entertainment services at each of those budget points. Be upfront. No need to go back and front nor jump through hoops. We can have your services booked and contracted in as little as 30 minutes. Going back and forth and around in negotiation circles, we can promise you, someone else will book that date and time. So be up front.

3. PACKAGE YOUR SERVICES. We love putting together inclusive entertainment experiences because they’re fun and provides the biggest bang for your budget, plus it’s one of our specialties… BIG FUN. So, explain your vision, give us a budget, then let us work our magic. We promise, you won’t be disappointed. Sometimes a DJ might be a more affordable alternative to a Top-40 cover band or a jazz trio might be better than a marching band. Let us help you get the perfect vibe for your event. Do you need us to provide AV aka sound services or can your hotel provide AV as a part of your package? That saves you money. Or, we can provide music, AV and lighting as a package deal. Want a secondline to kick off your event, but music for the reception or dinner party also? Package deal, we gotcha covered!

The New Orleans Music Company wants you to have the best entertainment and cultural experiences for your event(s) and we want to be your partnered entertainment services provider. We also want to create long lasting relationships. And most importantly, we want the entire process to be as smooth and transparent as possible.

Follow our three simple steps above and you’ll have your entertainment booked in no time. Most importantly, following those steps prevents sticker shock (for all parties) and eases the process. We gotcha covered. Let’s Do This! Need Music? What’s Your Budget? Now let’s book some entertainment services, TODAY! 💃🏻🕺🏾

In the music together,

Dr. Brice “Doc” Miller, Founder and Artistic Director

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